Saturday, January 8, 2011

On the house hunt

Well here we are on the house front.  Looking for a new domain to rest our heads.

It is a great ordeal to have to move.  The packing, the sorting, the throwing.  For me that will eventually equal out to a very large miscelleaneaous box.  But for now, the thought of that is giving me chills.  We currently are not involved in packing...yet, but it is soon, very soon.

So 3 places we saw today and the viewings will continue.  I realize that sometimes it is easy to let your emotions go and start to envision what you would look like in the space that is provided.  Sometimes the visinos are grand and unlimited, and other times it feels as though the space was put together haphhazardly and all you can see are bad layouts.

Well things will become increasingly better from the current location, because layout was an issue, but we dealt with it as best as possible.

I think that we saw 3 great places today, all very different from one another, all having their advantages as well as disadvantages.  For me I thought that there was one that clearly stood out over the rest, due to not only the direct features of the place, but the indirect factors that could play a large part in keeping  both of us happy and ready to attack at a minutes notice.  HAHAHAHA.

Well we continue to search, and I continue to procrastinate on getting things done.


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