Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy No Year 2011

Welcome to a new year. Welcome to another new beginning.  This is the time where all things become equal.  This is the time where we all can be anything

It is fascinating how the new year can be quite cleansing.  It washes away the factors of the past, and ushers in a new wave of motivation and possibility.

It is great to see that we all can start over.  We all can change.

It is funny how much pressure can be put on the start of a new year.  The pressure to stay perfect.  The pressure to start, maintain or suffer through the excrutiating pain of those unpleasant resolutions that we know will not last.

As I see it, enjoy who you are.  Enjoy life.

It was a pleasure to enjoy 2010 with you.

I hope that we will be able to have a fantastic 2011.


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