Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

It is the night of the greatest candy heist.  Tonight has been interesting.  We made sure all week that we were stocked up for Halloween.  Gummy Hamburgers, Pop-rocks, Gummy Hot dogs, Chocolate and the sort.  We even made the promise that we wouldn't eat the candy, so that the kids would get the good when they came by.

Everything was going to plan until... no kids showed.  Maybe it was the scariest haunted house on the street right beside our house, or maybe it was the fact that I forgot to open the gate at the front, either way, no kids showed up.  This end results brings me to the internet and just surfing around.  Which brings me to why I am here.

I came across a great quote from the director Jim Jarmush.  It was just something that resonated, and the fact that it brought me here to the blog is the piece de resistance!  So no real comment from me, but I do hope that you come away resonating inspiration and fueling your inner imagination.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Young Hearts Spark Fire

Japandroids upstairs at Sneaky Dees.

Great show. High energy. Very loud.

We used to dream
Now we worry about dying

I don't want to worry about dying
I just wanna worry about those sunshine girls.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Up and running

The hiatus is over.

Hope all are doing well. We are glad to be back.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

On the house hunt - Part V

It has been a couple of weeks since my last entry and we had been going out to viewings early in the process, but we were not having that much luck.  The things that we wanted to rent were too expensive, or the ones that were in our price range had problems with the unit.  Sooo....

Let's go through this as fast as possible:
  • Nothing was appealing - We kept looking
  • Maybe we stay another month at our current spot - Landlord already rented our spot out for the next month
  • Maybe live with roommates - Not what we were looking for
  • Maybe live in a basement - Not what we were looking for
  • Maybe go to the East side - Not our scene
  • Maybe live in a sketchy neighbourhood - Not our choice
  • Maybe stay in our current neighbourhood - No.  Dealt with a horrible agent
  • Maybe live in an up start neighbourhood - No.  Another deadbeat agent
  • Maybe have to live in suburbs with parents - Not ideal.
  • Live with a girl from Plumtree - too bad it was a pipedream
Not until last evening when at the last minute, we caught an ad and got a viewing for a wonderful spot.  Immediately we resonated with the space.  It has all we need and then some.  Great spot for lounging out and relaxing.

It will be a great spot for us for the next year!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

On the house hunt - Part IV

Another set of viewings came and went.  this was much nicer than the last one we had gone to.

The description of the place was that it was going to be a little bit of a mess, but we were instructed to take a look and see if we liked it.  We got there, and I swear we could have smelled the place down the hallway.

It was a loft space in cabbagetown.  The location was great and the space would have been very nice, but seeing that my feet were sticking to the lamenent floor that was compaired to the state of the floor after a "rave" it was disgusting.  I won't even go into the state of the bathroom in this place.  We definitely didn't get that place.

We saw a couple of other places last night, and those went way better.  It is quite a feeling to know that the place has been taken care of and that it is clean.  It makes it much easier to picture your life in a new space when it is clean and ready to go.  It also makes a difference when the person showing you the home is interested in you as a person, as oppose to the money maker who will pay for their mortgage.

With that in mind, we still have to remember that we cannot compromise the things that we need for aesthetic appearance.  The places we saw had quite a bit of thought and organization to it.  Although they looked great, they didn't satisfy the core things we need.  At this moment we have to make sure that we get what we want, because we are going to be in this space for the next bit of time, and we want to make sure we enjoy!

The hunt continues and we are excited to get the place for us.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Broken Social Scene Live at Terminal 5 Jan 18, 2011

For those that didn't have the opportunity to see it, Broken Social Scene live at Terminal 5.

A wonderful event.  It shows the power of the internet.

Live concert streams.  A fantastic way to spend a wet/cold Tuesday evening watching the self proclaimed "Toronto's Band".


Great show.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Zeus: Waste My Time

Something new...always refreshing.

Zeus with a new release coming from their Verge Sessions at Music Mansion.

A great release that for the time where the blahs turn even worse, a nice well comprised rock tune to start the year.

Zeus Waste My time Verge Sessions @ Music Mansion


Thursday, January 13, 2011

On the house hunt part III

So off to another viewing.

It is funny how crazy some of the hype gets for places in the city.  The same places are up for grabs and people get very excited about viewings.  This was an open house that really brought the excitement.  The place did not live up tot he expectation nor should it have really been sought after..that is if you are 6 foot or taller.

Either way, the place wasn't the right spot for us after all.

With that in mind we ended up more within central part of the city.  Right off of Spadina and University. The place was old but had character.  The old character coupled with the old piping did not marry a wonderful atmosphere to lay our heads for the next year or so.  All in all, not the greatest combination for a place to live.

Either way... it was not spectacular on the home front, but it will get better.

Right now too tired Frankie Rose and Outs tuckered me out...not to mention the Stiegl in a Tallboy right beside the bubble hockey machine!

Be good.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

On the house hunt - Part II

Well tonight was a bit of an interesting evening when it came to our current house hunt.

I guess I should have been a little suspect, when she turned to me and immediately after getting off the phone with the potential landlord, she says "Baby, this guy is WEIRD.  I am not too sure about this...".

I think to myself that, it can't be that bad, so we go for it.

This guy was a straight weirdo.

I don't think that in meeting prospective clients, would I tell someone to meet me at one place and take me to another.  Not only were we lead down the block to the other house, but literally walked 3 paces in front checking his blackberry.  "How has your evening been?"  I ask.  Not even a grumble or a look back, he proceeds to walk for a bit and then without even turning his head, he decides to say..."Wha?"

The houses that he had were not bad.  There was some thought in putting in the unit and I think that not being overtly excited about seeing some care taken into some of the renovations, may have rubbed him the wrong way.

As he completes his tour of the first unit, he shows us the second place, his supercillious nature did not end.

He continued to be just plain old crazy, weird man!

As we started the tour our "gracious host" allows us to enter the apartment.  The first room that you see in the place is to the right, which has the main bedroom.  Connected to the main bedroom is the master bathroom, or so I believe.  Which prompted my next question "Is there another bathroom within the unit?", believed to be said with non ill will, confrontation, nor arrogance or pride.  I was returned with the snarkiest, sarcastic, condesending return "How many bathrooms would you like in the place, 3 or 4?"  The smirk on his face not even any where near ending, I calmly replied " Seeing that this is the master suite, with the master bedroom, I wanted to know, in the event that we have guests over, that we only have the single bathroom, meaning our guests will have to come to our bedroom".

This to me sounded quite logical, and merely a question without having seen the rest of the house.  I thought his reaction was quite....weird.  He was definitely put off by the fact that I didn't recognize he value that he believed he put into the design of his "wonderful" basement apartment.  Needless to say, with sales techniques like that, I bet that I see this place on the market for a long time to come.

Well this is the majority of the story.  Thanks for endulging my brain exercise for the evening.

Until next time.  I bid you adieu.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

On the house hunt

Well here we are on the house front.  Looking for a new domain to rest our heads.

It is a great ordeal to have to move.  The packing, the sorting, the throwing.  For me that will eventually equal out to a very large miscelleaneaous box.  But for now, the thought of that is giving me chills.  We currently are not involved in packing...yet, but it is soon, very soon.

So 3 places we saw today and the viewings will continue.  I realize that sometimes it is easy to let your emotions go and start to envision what you would look like in the space that is provided.  Sometimes the visinos are grand and unlimited, and other times it feels as though the space was put together haphhazardly and all you can see are bad layouts.

Well things will become increasingly better from the current location, because layout was an issue, but we dealt with it as best as possible.

I think that we saw 3 great places today, all very different from one another, all having their advantages as well as disadvantages.  For me I thought that there was one that clearly stood out over the rest, due to not only the direct features of the place, but the indirect factors that could play a large part in keeping  both of us happy and ready to attack at a minutes notice.  HAHAHAHA.

Well we continue to search, and I continue to procrastinate on getting things done.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy No Year 2011

Welcome to a new year. Welcome to another new beginning.  This is the time where all things become equal.  This is the time where we all can be anything

It is fascinating how the new year can be quite cleansing.  It washes away the factors of the past, and ushers in a new wave of motivation and possibility.

It is great to see that we all can start over.  We all can change.

It is funny how much pressure can be put on the start of a new year.  The pressure to stay perfect.  The pressure to start, maintain or suffer through the excrutiating pain of those unpleasant resolutions that we know will not last.

As I see it, enjoy who you are.  Enjoy life.

It was a pleasure to enjoy 2010 with you.

I hope that we will be able to have a fantastic 2011.

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