Thursday, January 13, 2011

On the house hunt part III

So off to another viewing.

It is funny how crazy some of the hype gets for places in the city.  The same places are up for grabs and people get very excited about viewings.  This was an open house that really brought the excitement.  The place did not live up tot he expectation nor should it have really been sought after..that is if you are 6 foot or taller.

Either way, the place wasn't the right spot for us after all.

With that in mind we ended up more within central part of the city.  Right off of Spadina and University. The place was old but had character.  The old character coupled with the old piping did not marry a wonderful atmosphere to lay our heads for the next year or so.  All in all, not the greatest combination for a place to live.

Either way... it was not spectacular on the home front, but it will get better.

Right now too tired Frankie Rose and Outs tuckered me out...not to mention the Stiegl in a Tallboy right beside the bubble hockey machine!

Be good.


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