Wednesday, January 12, 2011

On the house hunt - Part II

Well tonight was a bit of an interesting evening when it came to our current house hunt.

I guess I should have been a little suspect, when she turned to me and immediately after getting off the phone with the potential landlord, she says "Baby, this guy is WEIRD.  I am not too sure about this...".

I think to myself that, it can't be that bad, so we go for it.

This guy was a straight weirdo.

I don't think that in meeting prospective clients, would I tell someone to meet me at one place and take me to another.  Not only were we lead down the block to the other house, but literally walked 3 paces in front checking his blackberry.  "How has your evening been?"  I ask.  Not even a grumble or a look back, he proceeds to walk for a bit and then without even turning his head, he decides to say..."Wha?"

The houses that he had were not bad.  There was some thought in putting in the unit and I think that not being overtly excited about seeing some care taken into some of the renovations, may have rubbed him the wrong way.

As he completes his tour of the first unit, he shows us the second place, his supercillious nature did not end.

He continued to be just plain old crazy, weird man!

As we started the tour our "gracious host" allows us to enter the apartment.  The first room that you see in the place is to the right, which has the main bedroom.  Connected to the main bedroom is the master bathroom, or so I believe.  Which prompted my next question "Is there another bathroom within the unit?", believed to be said with non ill will, confrontation, nor arrogance or pride.  I was returned with the snarkiest, sarcastic, condesending return "How many bathrooms would you like in the place, 3 or 4?"  The smirk on his face not even any where near ending, I calmly replied " Seeing that this is the master suite, with the master bedroom, I wanted to know, in the event that we have guests over, that we only have the single bathroom, meaning our guests will have to come to our bedroom".

This to me sounded quite logical, and merely a question without having seen the rest of the house.  I thought his reaction was quite....weird.  He was definitely put off by the fact that I didn't recognize he value that he believed he put into the design of his "wonderful" basement apartment.  Needless to say, with sales techniques like that, I bet that I see this place on the market for a long time to come.

Well this is the majority of the story.  Thanks for endulging my brain exercise for the evening.

Until next time.  I bid you adieu.



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