Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tibetan Momo and hot sauce!

The weekend came and went and a great weekend at that.

Things happened all around us. Caribana, civic long weekend, and the throngs of tourists and visitors to the city. The heat and the sun all brought together quite an enjoyable weekend.

The weekend was a blur from parties, to late night bike riding to a wonderful dinner at the mansion. But it was also a learning weekend as well.

I was able to find out more about my bike and have fine tuned it to where I need it to be more functional with an overall improvement to performance. I am very happy.

I am also happy to say that we tried a little bit of a sampling of Tibetan food. We had a few Tibetan Momo's. Quite a lovely little treat that is quite satisfying for a nice light snack. Tibetan Momo's are very similar to dumplings Chinese Jiaozi. The dumplings are quite light and are filled with a number of things. They can be filled with beef, pork, chicken or vegetable. These ones were filled with a vegetable filling, in my opinion would probably closer to what the Tibetans would normally put in their Momo's.

The Momo was served with a very nice asian coleslaw. Finely chopped carrots and cabbage. The surprising element to the meal is the hot sauce that accompanies the dish. It is a Garlic/Tomato Chutney that is infused with hot chilies. It makes for a supercharged kick of something quite flavourful, but very very hot! The flavour is intense and hot, which makes for an enjoyable experience.

I really enjoyed the experience of sitting in the park enjoying a few Momo's.



The.Stickmen.Brigade said...

How sweet was that heat? Goodness! TIBET ROCKS!!

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