Friday, July 16, 2010

Fancy Footwork

Make your mind up...get ready and go.

That is all you need to do. That is all that you want to do.

Great ride today. Hit the main streets and pounded that pavement into submission.

The one thing that I fail to realize about our great city is that in Vancouver they always talk about riding the sea wall and being that close to the pacific and being right at the ocean. Now before I go any further I want to make clear that I am not stating that riding by Lake Ontario is by any means a substantial parallel to riding beside the pacific ocean, but "Backwards was my shirt, against the grain", I feel I can enjoy my experiences.

The lake is great, there is nothing like being near the water. Water is our everything. It is all what we long to be around and essentially it is what we need to live.

Music, riding, fresh air and sunshine...all components of a start to a great friday!



The.Stickmen.Brigade said...

Bright lights tv screens,
Feels like looking in a magazine,
You run on the floor,
Feels like dancing is the way to go,
But if you let her see that fancy footwork
Show her that you’re not that shy,
Let her see that fancy footwork
Show her you’re that type of guy.


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