Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bus stop challenge

Good morning,

The dilemma that we are facing today is a money issue. It is not that we come from old money, blood money, or have an exorbitant amount of money stashed away for the cheap frills in life. That is why certain things need to change. If we are going to be able to save money and get the things in life we really want.... the challenge must be issued.

Typical Cab to work: $20 with tip to the cabbie
$20 a day x 5 days a week = 100/week on trips in a cab to work
$100 a week x 4 weeks a month = $400/month (based on a 4 week month)
$400/month x 12 months a year = 4800/year for cabs just going to work!

Typical Transit scenario $20 for 8 tokens
10 tokens a week
$25 x 4 weeks a month = $100 for a months tokens
$100 x 12 months - 1200 a year on tokens for the full year
1200 x 2 = 2400 for 2 people to ride transit to and from work all year

The one thing that we have to consider is that the first scenario with the cab doesn't include purchasing tokens to return from work, so that number will increase for transportation over the year. We are looking at over $5000 a year! Very expensive.

We also have to figure that we do travel within the city (weekends, nights) and that will also increase the amount paid for in transportation. Then there is drives out of town, or trips or just leisurely escapes from the city.

Here is the deal:
We want to save money. We need to save money.

The Challenge:
The month of august until the trip, we do not take any cabs in the morning. This will save us instantly $400 for the month so that we can have a great time away from the hustle and bustle of the big city.

Are you in for the challenge?


The.Stickmen.Brigade said...

Am I in for the challenge you ask? BRING IT ON!! That's a ridonkulous amount of money spent each's a catastrophe! Let's do it, I'm on board!

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