Sunday, December 19, 2010

Gone to the UK

Sunday morning. Very sporadic.

Saturday night...Fifa and lots of beer. Not a bad way to spend a cold saturday night. It was great to have everyone over for lots of laughs and again lots of beer.

But when someone starts calling on the shots of tequila and Jack Daniels...well that is where it can get messy.

All I really wanted to say today was the "Munka" is in London, UK, having a blast.

I am still here holding down the fort until the return.

I have always wanted to head to Europe in the winter. I know that I have always said that if you are going to vacation in the winter, why oh why would you head to another winter destination. It is crazy, yes I know, when the prospects of having sun, sand and water are so appealing.

I think of the level of intimacy that I have associated with the beautiful snow falling on old European cobblestone streets. Quaint homes steeped in history and traditional blanketed with a layer of gorgeous white snow is an image I have dreamed of partaking in. Being able to come in from the cold and enjoy a hot cup of tea and speak of the history of the land and the upbringing of generations upon generations.

Well either way...I miss you baby!

Talk to you soon.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Been a long time.

Well it has been a long time since we have had the opportunity to converse in this manner.

But that is ok. We are like old friends. Always open, always understanding.

What has been going on...well a lot has been going on. But the one thing that I have done is paid attention to the intricacies of the bigger picture. And this is where this entry comes from.

The new Raptors season is going to be a tough ride. Understanding that we are re-building, but at the same time trying to put out a decent team that can compete is going to be a stretch at some points of this season.

Here is a quick shot of a decent pick and roll that although executed by the Golden State Warriors, it just goes to show that you have to win the small battles in order to win the game.

We lost this game by a very misrepresented 7 points, as it really could have been upwards of 15, if it wasn't for garbage time for the other team.

Just want to say that we are back and will try not to slack on this.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Stillness is a move...

Last nights show at the Opera house highlighting the musical styling of Brooklyn's own Dirty Projectors was an exquisite display of musical knowledge and mastery.

Lead singer Dave Longstreth showed his exceptional guitar work and that was matched in intensity from all of the other band mates. From the amazing harmonies from Angel Derodoorian (Keyboard, Vocals), Amber Coffman (Guitar, vocals) and Haley Deckle. The rhythm section Brian McOmber (Drums) and Nat Baldwin created the structure for the band.

It was a great show highlighting the extensive catalogue of songs they have accumulated through their ascent on indie experimental music. All of this success has been pushed through the push from their 2009 release Bitte Orca.

The highlights of the evening was the rendition of the "Stillness is the Move" and Temecula Sunrise. A wonderful way to ride a Wednesday into the weekend, which we all know starts at Thursday Throwies! See you there.

"on top of every mountain
there was a great longing
for another even higher mountain
in each city longing for a bigger city

after all that we've been through
i know that i will always love you
from now until forever baby
i can't imagine anything better"

Check out the video for "Stillness is the move":

Sunday, September 12, 2010

are you fit for TIFF?

"I need to have my tea and then we can get started...."

That is all she has to say and as I back off and look at the tea cup in front of me, wondering why the milk and the sugar have not danced themselves into the bottom of the white porcelain cup waiting for me to pour the steeped blend of nigeria's finest tea leaves harvested by Mr Lipton himself.

We need to start looking at the films that we need to be a part of for this years TIFF festival!

Well looking through some of the listings and the schedules, this year's list of films look very impressive! From including the screening of Orson Welles, Citizen Kane within the essential films category is a great way to include one films best.

We will be looking at a select number of films in the next couple of installments, but we need to start somewhere and here we go:

1. Buried
Directed by Rodrigo Cortes. Staring: Ryan Reynolds.
Sept 14 9PM Ryerson; Sept 15 1230PM Varsity 8
Paul is a U.S. contractor working in Iraq. After an attack by a group of Iraqis he wakes to find he is buried alive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it's a race against time to escape this claustrophobic death trap.

The movie focuses entirely on the issue at hand, how did I end up buried alive. A great suspense thriller that looks as though it will take you on a roller coaster ride

2. It's Kind of a Funny Story
Directed by: Ryan Fleck, Anna Fleck S: Zack Galifianakis, Keir Gilchrist
Sept 11 9PM; Sept 17th 9AM Varsity 8
Clinically depressed teenager gets a new start after he checks himself into an adult psychiatric ward.

Be back in a bit to give more of the must sees for the festival!


What's coming up?

As the weather beckons fall jackets, sweaters and jumpers, it is looking as though someone is inviting themselves to the party. The start of school and kids heading back to the realms of study is an indication of fall. It is a far cry from trying to believe that we are going to get a crack of summer. But as I write this, believing that somehow mother nature will prove me wrong, I realize that I shouldn't be egging it on either, so why not change speeds and take a look at events coming up...

Jamie Lidell with Zeus September 14th @ Lee's
Dirty Projectors September 15th @ Opera House
Land of Talk Sept 16th @ Lee's Palace
Caribou with Russian Futurists Sept 17th @ Phoenix
The Golden Dogs Sept 17th @ Drake Underground
Hip Hop Karaoke Sept 17th featuring Das EFX
Foals Sept 24th @ Lee's Palace

Deerhoof with xiu xiu Oct 3rd @ ee's Palace
Bonjay Record release party Oct 7th @ the Garrison
The Dears with Sebastien Grainger Oct. 14th @ the Garrison
Band of Horses Oct 21st @ Koolhaus

This being a quick look at the month, there are still a number of things that we will keep an eye on. Very excited about the golden dogs show at the drake underground. Please note that the 'dogs' will also be doing an in-store performance at Soundscapes on College. So if you miss one, do not miss the other! Lastly, I am looking forward to the Dears show at the Garrison. It will be a full length preview of their new record much earlier than their 2011 release date. It will be Murray and the gang getting back to the melloncolly/rock roots on this one. It will be especially exciting to have them play with Sebastien Grainger.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kali Mera, Kali Spera, Kali Nikta

Just a quick hello to all.

We are back from Greece and things couldn't be better.

Lots of sun, lots of sand and lots of travel.

It was great to be out and experiencing the world.

I think that we both have a rejuvenated fervour for travel and cannot wait for the next adventure.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tibetan Momo and hot sauce!

The weekend came and went and a great weekend at that.

Things happened all around us. Caribana, civic long weekend, and the throngs of tourists and visitors to the city. The heat and the sun all brought together quite an enjoyable weekend.

The weekend was a blur from parties, to late night bike riding to a wonderful dinner at the mansion. But it was also a learning weekend as well.

I was able to find out more about my bike and have fine tuned it to where I need it to be more functional with an overall improvement to performance. I am very happy.

I am also happy to say that we tried a little bit of a sampling of Tibetan food. We had a few Tibetan Momo's. Quite a lovely little treat that is quite satisfying for a nice light snack. Tibetan Momo's are very similar to dumplings Chinese Jiaozi. The dumplings are quite light and are filled with a number of things. They can be filled with beef, pork, chicken or vegetable. These ones were filled with a vegetable filling, in my opinion would probably closer to what the Tibetans would normally put in their Momo's.

The Momo was served with a very nice asian coleslaw. Finely chopped carrots and cabbage. The surprising element to the meal is the hot sauce that accompanies the dish. It is a Garlic/Tomato Chutney that is infused with hot chilies. It makes for a supercharged kick of something quite flavourful, but very very hot! The flavour is intense and hot, which makes for an enjoyable experience.

I really enjoyed the experience of sitting in the park enjoying a few Momo's.


Monday, August 2, 2010


Monday August 2nd: Civic Holiday in Canada & The Official Release of the Stickmen Brigade Logo

Longer than anticipated in the making, but alas we have arrived!

The logo depicts our world under construction and the ongoing
production of the Stickmen Brigade blog.

Arya and Denton sit perched, head-on, throwing down ideas...creating.
We are the created but we are also creators!

-Arya and Denton
Stickmen at Work

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bus stop challenge

Good morning,

The dilemma that we are facing today is a money issue. It is not that we come from old money, blood money, or have an exorbitant amount of money stashed away for the cheap frills in life. That is why certain things need to change. If we are going to be able to save money and get the things in life we really want.... the challenge must be issued.

Typical Cab to work: $20 with tip to the cabbie
$20 a day x 5 days a week = 100/week on trips in a cab to work
$100 a week x 4 weeks a month = $400/month (based on a 4 week month)
$400/month x 12 months a year = 4800/year for cabs just going to work!

Typical Transit scenario $20 for 8 tokens
10 tokens a week
$25 x 4 weeks a month = $100 for a months tokens
$100 x 12 months - 1200 a year on tokens for the full year
1200 x 2 = 2400 for 2 people to ride transit to and from work all year

The one thing that we have to consider is that the first scenario with the cab doesn't include purchasing tokens to return from work, so that number will increase for transportation over the year. We are looking at over $5000 a year! Very expensive.

We also have to figure that we do travel within the city (weekends, nights) and that will also increase the amount paid for in transportation. Then there is drives out of town, or trips or just leisurely escapes from the city.

Here is the deal:
We want to save money. We need to save money.

The Challenge:
The month of august until the trip, we do not take any cabs in the morning. This will save us instantly $400 for the month so that we can have a great time away from the hustle and bustle of the big city.

Are you in for the challenge?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Greece is for Kings and Queens

If you were going to Greece, where would you go?

It is great following the cities of economic crumble due to the European and North American economic collapses.

Makes things a bit cheaper on the wallet, but it allows attainable access to some of the worlds most sought after destinations.

So again....where would you go or where would you spend the majority of your time hidden away in Greece?

Would you play in the lifestyle that is Athens. The home of all the history and decor of ancient civilization. But Greece remains a city of contradictions, as trying as it is seductive. I believe that there is a architectural hopscotch where some areas are run down and may even be a little more palatable as the sun goes down. The riots that plagued the street marking the breaking moment for civil unrest shows that Greece continues to march to their own drum.

The Post Olympics era is also another thing to consider in what to expect going over to Greece. What does it mean to get an Olympic face lift? What happens when the one night stand leaves and you are left with the garbage and clean up? How do you move on?

All great questions.

From what I can gather, the roman empire and the ruins left behind, the temples and theatres that kings and royals alike came to enjoy wonderful dramas, comedies and tragedies would be splendid to see. Can anyone really stay away from the gorgeous clear blue waters that Greece is blessed to be bordered on? We will find out...

Stay tuned..

The Escapade


Friday, July 16, 2010

Fancy Footwork

Make your mind up...get ready and go.

That is all you need to do. That is all that you want to do.

Great ride today. Hit the main streets and pounded that pavement into submission.

The one thing that I fail to realize about our great city is that in Vancouver they always talk about riding the sea wall and being that close to the pacific and being right at the ocean. Now before I go any further I want to make clear that I am not stating that riding by Lake Ontario is by any means a substantial parallel to riding beside the pacific ocean, but "Backwards was my shirt, against the grain", I feel I can enjoy my experiences.

The lake is great, there is nothing like being near the water. Water is our everything. It is all what we long to be around and essentially it is what we need to live.

Music, riding, fresh air and sunshine...all components of a start to a great friday!


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Whip it...Whip it Good!

Here is a music review I came across for the new album by Devo. Yes, definitely the 80's are back in full swing, I have pulled out of the big box my white t-shirt in big black bold print donning "CHOOSE LIFE". I just had no idea that Devo still had something left in the tank.

Thank you to RIP IT UP and MD for this review.

Almost 40 years since their formation in Ohio and 20 years after their last studio offering, 1990’s Smooth Noodle Maps, comes this collection of a dozen new tracks by four of the five members of the original Devo line-up, complete with the expected pop-arty CD design and much-publicised reports that this has been tailored according to fan input on the band’s website (, in case you’re not a devotee), and while ageist media sorts might rant about the longevity of such ‘dinosaur’ acts the tunes here prove agreeable new expansions upon Devo’s ‘mechanised swing’ sound, with sprinklings of sci-fi strangeness, nutty satire and Mark Mothersbaugh oddballness. Worth a mention: the kick-off Fresh, which is just that; What We Do, a jokey attack, perhaps, on those who think they’re past their prime; Please Baby Please, a conspicuous shot at a hit song; Sumthin’, which sounds a little too much like their most well-known hit Whip It; the reflective (if no less boppy) No Place Like Home; and March On, the final happy-happy-happy cut. Less angry and edgy, of course, than 1979’s legendary Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo! (hey, it was 30 years ago!), but still freaky, fun and just far out enough for lifelong Devolutionists.

System System

Hey....Ya you...
Hey....over here....
HEY! What you don't hear me? What is this? Can't you hear me? win. I think that I am maybe....but....if....ok, ok, I am over-reacting. Just hear me out.

Just came across an awesome chart that goes over how some of us feel in our everyday lives. So if you are charting out into unexplored waters today, kudos to you. Enjoy the fear and embrace it to discover what is on the otherside. Hey if you fall short of your goal, don't worry no one said you were a fucking wizard. Did you say "Fucking"?


Thursday, July 8, 2010

MOCCA - Free for the rest of 2010!

Attention Stickmen Brigade ,

A quick hit for all those out there that are like my partner and I.

For those that are interested and those that want to be stimulated, here is a great piece of information for the creative at heart.

MOCCA, or the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art announces FREE admission for the remainder of 2010!!

The press release states:

TORONTO, Ont., June 8, 2010 - The Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art is delighted to announce that admission to MOCCA for the remainder of 2010 will be FREE thanks to the generous support of the Hal Jackman Foundation.

MOCCA hopes that this initiative will increase opportunities for audiences to experience and participate in the exhibitions and activities at one of Toronto's most exciting cultural institutions without the deterrent of admission prices. Embedded within Toronto's West Queen West Art + Design District, MOCCA is centrally located amongst a diverse range of shops, restaurants and nightclubs that can also be enjoyed by our visitors. Read the full text press release here:

This is a wonderful announcement. Thank you Hal Jackman Foundation!

Hope to see you all there!

Current exhibit

Phenomenology of the built environment
Contemporary artists from Toronto
Curated by David Liss

Alex McLeod, Terror Twilight (detail), 2010. Courtesy of the artist and Angell Gallery, Toronto.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Thought-Provoking Moment

With the rain comes…..Thought of the Day!

The essence of Destiny

. Watch your thoughts, for they become words
. Choose your words, for they become actions
. Understand your actions, they become habits
. Study your habits, for they will become your character
. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny...

And thats all she wrote!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Pavement/BSS Toronto Island Festival

On the heels of some great NXNE performances, we had the opportunity to engage in some extra-curricular activity on Saturday.

The best and worst thing about NXNE is that there are so many bands playing in the city, bars/clubs are open until 4AM and it is non-stop party for 5 days straight! With that in mind it makes it difficult for the hard core night owl to get themselves up and ready for a full day of music, beer and beach balls on a sun soaked saturday. But for those of us that had heard the rumour that the first 250 NXNE wristband holders would receive FREE entrance into one of the most anticipated shows of the summer, you have to make the sacrifice.

Pavement were the indie darlings of the 90's. One of those bands many herald as their "favourite" band. These indie slackers carved out a niche early and really identified with a generation of artistic creatives that move past the cliche love song, teen angst rebellion. It was a rebellion based on artistic prose. A wonderful combination to say the least.

For me, Pavement was the headliner and they really took over the show. Opening up with Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain classic "cut your hair" really got the enthusiastic crowd up and ready for the party! Many of the attendants have been waiting for a pavement show for the last 15 years, and they were not disappointed. They were able to hit all the emotional strong points of their music, from songs like "Elevate me Later" and "Silence Kit". Pavement reached far back into the archives and rocked out punk rock overtures like "Conduit for Sale!" and "Perfume V". The screaming and raucous guitars made you feel as though they were in the prime of the "Slanted and Enchanted" days!

Pavement not only showed the punk roots they came from but they also were able to display the emotional nature of the band with "Here". One of the main highlights for the sun-soaked crowd that stayed the course of the day to enjoy the moonlight set of Pavement was the tongue in cheek favourite "Range Life" The song reminded me of the days driving along with my brother, listening to the band that he introduced me to. It is a wonderful experience being able to find your way back through memories and how music is an integral part to our life and memories.

Thanks to Pavement for a great Saturday. Thanks for including Toronto in your reunion. We all really needed it!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Souvlaki dinner and smoothies

As the weekend comes to an end, what a great weekend it was. It involved everything from Superheroes to ogres and a fairy tale land.

But in order to enjoy the last bits of the weekend before you have to put your energy towards the work week, here is a little recipe treat that will help begin your week right.

Game 5 Smoothie
2 parts Strawberry
1 part Blueberry
1 part Raspberry

Bit of orange juice
1 part yogurt (vanilla or plain, we used vanilla)


It was a great way to end a "super" filled weekend.

Welcome world cup!

Go Spain and Netherlands!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Golden Dogs not Lou Dawgs

Good evening.

Well just sitting back and having a listen of the 2007 release of the Golden Dogs Big Eye, Little Eye. What a wonderful little piece of musical experience. The golden dogs are a fantastic band that seem to have the inklings of amazing possibility. We will not claim to know all that there is to know about these local boys, but we am certain that the music is spot on.

We always find ourselves getting an overwhelming feeling when bands cover songs done by the Beatles. Things can go so right, when the moons align and the voices harmonize, guitars synergize, it is pure and sweet popification. But really, it is a great experience when someone does something well. The Golden Dogs do that with their cover of Paul McCartney's band Wings, 1985.

A great rendition that melds harmonies and a raw power that the song innately possesses itself. The Dogs do a wonderful job in harnessing the energy and transforming it into a concentrated ball of 1980's rock. From the driving guitars, the subtleties of the keyboard, to the beat of the drums that made it feel as though Ringo Starr could possibly be in the building.

As we sit back and follow the music through a heart-wrenching solo, we can only imagine the sweat and heat rising from the raucous crowd. We can feel the drummer flowing through rolls and fills crashing from cymbal to cymbal. The bassist ensuring that time stays constant while throwing in his own variations to keep everyone on their toes.

We think back to how the creation of this song probably started on Sir Paul McCartney's piano. We would like to say on behalf of all those who love rock and roll, thank you Sir Paul McCartney and thank you to those that continue to produce pure rock and roll.


Monday, June 7, 2010

The ride must go on!


The weekend came and went and the rain was a soggy mess. It tried to dampen the spirits of the 2 adventurous riders. It may have stopped the initial attempt, but as soul II soul would say.."Keep on movin' don't stop no!"

So what have we decided to do? Well here it is:

We will be taking on the same distance, the same direction but this time the outcome is going to be fantastic.

Can the two heroes conquer what they said they were going to do?

Will the weather play a part in derailing our two young heroes?

All these questions and more will be covered in the upcoming segments. Plus an exclusive interview with both riders as they prepare for this illustrious ride!

Friday, May 7, 2010


As we walked out of the humble abode that we call home, I flash back to the days I spent in Barcelona. Why Barcelona? I remember wandering through La Ramblas trying to pass time before I had to get on my plane and seeing the concert poster of the Frightened Rabbits. It was too bad that my flight was leaving that night and the concert was a few days away, but I knew that one day, I would get the chance. ‘Sing the Greys’ and ‘The Midnight Organ Fight’ were two fantastic albums that only left me wanting more. 2010 was the year in which we received ‘The Winter of Mixed Drinks’.

As we made our way to the spectacular Opera House on the east side, we were treated to the glorious sounds and sights that the venue has to offer. A fully functional opera house, with its original vaudeville theatre architecture. This place has been a Toronto iconic landmark that holds unique concerts and special events. The one thing that it always provides is a wonderful venue for sound. This night didn’t disappoint.

The Frightened Rabbits opened up with Modern Leper. A great way to get the crowd electrified. There was something in the air, a anxious awaiting for something great to happen, and the rabbits provided. The Rabbits moved effortlessly through a smart, raucous set that included a number of the recently released album tracks from ‘The Winter of Mixed Drinks’. For those not familiar with the Rabbits, this concert would have been a great introduction to all that is the Rabbits: 4 and 5 part harmonies, effortless vocals, multi layered music and fun.

The Rabbits seemed quite at home with this third studio record. They also understand the subtle nature of playing in front of a live audience. They did more than just play the record verbatim. They added different variations to the vocals and took the opportunity to include the audience as much as they could.

As we were taken on a ride through the library of songs they had, the encore was quite breathtaking as they did an acoustic version of ‘Poke’. Scott Hutchinson decided that he didn’t need the mic, nor any amplification to his acoustic guitar. He then re-started the song and belted out the song as the crowd and I sang along. Which brought us to the great version of ‘Keep Yourself Warm’, the anthemic track that proclaims “It takes more than fucking someone to keep yourself warm”.

The world is such a wonderful place and the Frightened Rabbits did a fantastic job of making us all feel that we were “Living in Colour”.

…A cripple walks amongst you all you tired human beings…
He's got all the things a cripple has not working arms and legs…

And so begins a night of heart thumping, soul-moving tunes. Lyrics liberated by the bold tone of a Scottish man. That Scottish man goes by Scott Hutchison and he makes up 1/5 of Frightened Rabbit. A Scottish indie band from Selkirk, Scotland.

I anticipated this show similar to a child anxiously awaiting Christmas. It was a call for celebration. An introduction to The Winter of Mixed Drinks. A fitting way to conclude the music that made this winter. Frightened Rabbit was the last show of a slew of winter performances. From Zeus to Japandroids, Real Estate to The XX. This was the best for last, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the gem. With no intent to downplay performances by the artists mentioned prior; they all encompassed a different form of talent and brought a different element of interaction...but for me…Frightened Rabbit brought something more personal. I had spent a small portion of the summer traveling and my soundtrack of choice was Frightened Rabbit. This show brought me back there. Back to the free and calming feeling that you experience when traveling. The feeling that you’re somewhere different…somewhere foreign but still so familiar. An awesome feeling.

A shot of tequila begins an evening of many more. Modern Leper set an easy tone to sway to. It was familiar and everyone picked up on that. The songs were a mix of The Midnight Organ Fight and The Winter of Mixed Drinks. Then something awesome happens!…Scott Hutchison steps up to the very top of the stage, guitar in hand. The mic turned off, the lights turned down. And belts out at the top of his lungs, with such fervor...such zeal. It was captivating. It was music in its purest form. It felt real and you became connected…committed to the creative medium in a raw form.

Keep Yourself Warm ends the night. On a high, people buzz out of the venue. In search of their next poison. We slowly make our way to the stage. I sheepishly looked around for the Set List, only to see a guy turn around and walk away with it. DAMN! I want something to remember this. Memories I have…but a pick would be better! I spot one right under a floor tom. I point out to the security and ask if he’ll nab it for me. I get a shake and he walks away. Andy Monaghan comes back out. Grabs his guitar and throws a pick to the ground. Here’s my chance. And so it was! The guy goes over, grabs the pick and hands it over! YES!! I now have a piece of that show and a piece to strum my tunes!

Now we make way for the summer…outdoor shows, cold beers and some new tunes…
Homeward bound…until next time…until our next adventure!


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Exit through the gift shop

"The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It's people who follow orders who drop bombs and massacre villages." -Banksy

The movie drops 05.07.10. YYZ

more to follow...

trailer anyone?

Friday, April 16, 2010


Denton: Fastest way to spend $30 in 40 minutes

ARYA: poutinis? no way! DIY!

Denton: Why walk there...when you could double someone not the BMX...let's go with the mountain bike

ARYA: We go, go, go. All the way down Roncy. But wait...whats this? A new gallery? Could it really be? Paper mache robots!

ARYA: But wait...Paper mache robots AND shoes!!! Are you kidding me...a store with all these shoes and all this chaos!

Denton: It was a vintage store filled with shoes from 1920-1998 and everything in between. Mens style loafers, womens wedge heal and different arrays of knock-off Birkenstocks that it was shocking. I was able to find a very nice pair of black house shoes that would be have been good other than the pair to it was a tartan pattern soft moccasin that didn't match my eyes.

Arya & Denton:
We cruise through the store expecting serial killers to walk through and ask you if you like clowns

ARYA: A man, eyes half closed..high on life...suggests we walk over to the back and head downstairs...downstairs huh?...the air is smells like old leather

Denton: This place is weird in the basement as we are directed down there as well. Piles of shoes, piles of European moccasins that would put a small Eastern European town to shame.

ARYA: We sift through...leather, plether, canvas...this place is given me the creeps! LETS BUST OUTTA HERE!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Zeus Replay

The lights come up. A man dressed in a cotton white shirt and black slacks walks out. Guitar in hand. He steps up to the mic. His eyes fixate on the audience. Slowly…effortlessly…he summons his falsetto…the crowd erupts! BAM!! LET THE SHOW BEGIN!!

I was feeling the music. I felt myself slowly sway to the start of a tune, the music moved through me. The drummer starts in. He picks up a steady beat…sending quivers through the audience…’tsst’ ‘tsst’ ‘tsst’… and so it begins! The night that was Zeus.

Zeus was by far one of the best shows I have had the opportunity to experience. Their sound, there look, there talent all made for a true depiction of what a performance really is.

My favorite song of the night, without an inkling of doubt, was How Does it Feel? It set a mood that felt somewhat mystical. It felt like the music was moving through me in waves and the world was standing still. It captured me.

The natural, raw talent that comprises Zeus was something rare. I’ve never seen a group that can vary in their musical abilities but come together as one solid union to deliver a tune. Their music was on par, on key, on point.

Instruments were being passed around like cold beers. There was variation in every song. You know when you hear one lyric to a song and know exactly who it is? albums sound like they’re on repeat?.. Zeus doesn’t allow for that predictability. Every song provided a different experience, something new every time but it still provided that sense of familiarity and AMAZINGNESS!!!

The lights went down…Afie Jurvanen took the stage. He slowly began to strum as he stepped up to the mic. With such ease, he let the words out…it was like velvet, smooth to the sound. “Is it really that much sweeter? On the other end of that receiver”…his painfully honest lyrics crafted emotion and feeling.

La la la la la la la la” The show ends on an unexpected note…to some. Denton pipes up “Kylie Minogue?” And right he is! They cover Can’t Get You Out of My Head. “La la la la la la la la”…

Homeward bound…until next time...until our next adventure!


As we sauntered in the legendary Lee’s Palace for a sold out show, we were extremely excited for the following events that were to unfold. The audience was an eclectic group that was for a Toronto crowd, quite interested in seeing the bands and music that would transpire.

As soon as we hit the front doors the line was frenetic. The energy, the hype, the flood of people was amazing. It was great to see that many of those who knew where to be and why we were there, had already shown and had got into the Carlsberg and Jack Daniels. The energy was infectious, it was nice to hear the sounds and see the sights of a very interesting evening.

The stage was set for an intimate evening with your favourite band as the house band. The stage was set up with a number of lamps and indirect light that conjuered up feelings closeness and peace. We were ready for the evening.

The beginning of the show started out with a wonderful rendition of Jason Collett’s “Fire”. This was an introduction to what some might say was the main attraction of the evening, Mr. Jason Collett. As he strummed his way through the introduction of the song, in his jangly manner he twanged his way through his song, until his original backing band, Zeus, came on stage. As Zeus moved onto the stage, they strapped on and got ready to lend a hand. Not only did Zeus join in, but Alfie Jurvanen, also known as Bahamas joined in on the sing a long that was now at the height of the song. It was clear that the union on stage was quite a natural one. As they wrapped up “Fire” and moved into “I’ll bring the sun”, it was clear that although we had come to see the member of BSS, but were now seeing the wonderful musical talents of Zeus and Bahamas.

Shot of JD and a Carlsberg

As the night progressed it was clear what the set up was going to be like. This was not going to be a traditional 3 band gig. Each taking a set and going through the motions as individual teams, but it as going to be a collaborative adventure, where you were more than just the sum of the parts on stage. As Jason Collett finished up his first songs, the transition went through into more Zeus oriented set. The one thing that we all would come to realize as they played through out the night was that the band blossomed through change. In order to keep members of a band interested, you have to let them become creative. Zeus is a band that all members are very musically inclined. Everyone plays different instruments and everyone sings. As the backing band to Jason Collett, they would play the songs that were given, but as they blossomed into their own entity they showed that through sharp vocal harmonies, crisp guitar styling, it is easy for them to take classic rock foundations, with smart indie sensibilities to come up with a right mix of something wonderful.

Shot of JD and a Carlsberg

Bahamas was just a pleasant piece to the entire musical experience. His songs were pure rock. They felt like the mood of the audience, full of fun and full of sex. His energy he put into the crowd was a cause for fun and excitement. Again, as the night progressed, Alfie was able to show his guitar stylings that was able to keep up with the sharpness of Zeus.

Shot of JD and a Vodka Soda

Zeus, with its numerous comparisons to the classic back up band “the band”, proved that not only were they able to provide the solid core to all the others, but they too have a number of songs ready to emerge on the scene.

Shot of JD and a cab

Stumble out of the cab, believing to be in my own back-up band. Believing that I threw down great guitar solos. Singing my own harmonies as we strolled down the street back home. Thank goodness for poutinis. Thank you Bonfire nights. Thank goodness for bed.


State of the Nation Address

Good evening.

This is a call for creativity.

For all those waiting. For those that don't know, or for the ingloriously ignorant, we salute you. We praise you and we now welcome you to the Brigade.

This is a partnership, a collaboration. We are here to claim what is rightfully ours.

It's tempting to look back on these moments and assume that our progress was inevitable -– that the Brigade was always destined to succeed. But when the Brigade was turned back initially, and the nay sayers first appeared, victory was very much in doubt. When the creative rights marchers were hindered by the deconstruction of creative freedom, the future was anything but certain. These were the times that tested the courage of our convictions, and the strength of our Brigade. And despite all our divisions and disagreements, our hesitations and our fears, the Brigade prevailed because we chose to move forward as one brigade, one creative force.

Welcome to the era of thestickmen.brigade.

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