Friday, April 16, 2010


Denton: Fastest way to spend $30 in 40 minutes

ARYA: poutinis? no way! DIY!

Denton: Why walk there...when you could double someone not the BMX...let's go with the mountain bike

ARYA: We go, go, go. All the way down Roncy. But wait...whats this? A new gallery? Could it really be? Paper mache robots!

ARYA: But wait...Paper mache robots AND shoes!!! Are you kidding me...a store with all these shoes and all this chaos!

Denton: It was a vintage store filled with shoes from 1920-1998 and everything in between. Mens style loafers, womens wedge heal and different arrays of knock-off Birkenstocks that it was shocking. I was able to find a very nice pair of black house shoes that would be have been good other than the pair to it was a tartan pattern soft moccasin that didn't match my eyes.

Arya & Denton:
We cruise through the store expecting serial killers to walk through and ask you if you like clowns

ARYA: A man, eyes half closed..high on life...suggests we walk over to the back and head downstairs...downstairs huh?...the air is smells like old leather

Denton: This place is weird in the basement as we are directed down there as well. Piles of shoes, piles of European moccasins that would put a small Eastern European town to shame.

ARYA: We sift through...leather, plether, canvas...this place is given me the creeps! LETS BUST OUTTA HERE!


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