Sunday, December 19, 2010

Gone to the UK

Sunday morning. Very sporadic.

Saturday night...Fifa and lots of beer. Not a bad way to spend a cold saturday night. It was great to have everyone over for lots of laughs and again lots of beer.

But when someone starts calling on the shots of tequila and Jack Daniels...well that is where it can get messy.

All I really wanted to say today was the "Munka" is in London, UK, having a blast.

I am still here holding down the fort until the return.

I have always wanted to head to Europe in the winter. I know that I have always said that if you are going to vacation in the winter, why oh why would you head to another winter destination. It is crazy, yes I know, when the prospects of having sun, sand and water are so appealing.

I think of the level of intimacy that I have associated with the beautiful snow falling on old European cobblestone streets. Quaint homes steeped in history and traditional blanketed with a layer of gorgeous white snow is an image I have dreamed of partaking in. Being able to come in from the cold and enjoy a hot cup of tea and speak of the history of the land and the upbringing of generations upon generations.

Well either way...I miss you baby!

Talk to you soon.

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