Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Thought-Provoking Moment

With the rain comes…..Thought of the Day!

The essence of Destiny

. Watch your thoughts, for they become words
. Choose your words, for they become actions
. Understand your actions, they become habits
. Study your habits, for they will become your character
. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny...

And thats all she wrote!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Pavement/BSS Toronto Island Festival

On the heels of some great NXNE performances, we had the opportunity to engage in some extra-curricular activity on Saturday.

The best and worst thing about NXNE is that there are so many bands playing in the city, bars/clubs are open until 4AM and it is non-stop party for 5 days straight! With that in mind it makes it difficult for the hard core night owl to get themselves up and ready for a full day of music, beer and beach balls on a sun soaked saturday. But for those of us that had heard the rumour that the first 250 NXNE wristband holders would receive FREE entrance into one of the most anticipated shows of the summer, you have to make the sacrifice.

Pavement were the indie darlings of the 90's. One of those bands many herald as their "favourite" band. These indie slackers carved out a niche early and really identified with a generation of artistic creatives that move past the cliche love song, teen angst rebellion. It was a rebellion based on artistic prose. A wonderful combination to say the least.

For me, Pavement was the headliner and they really took over the show. Opening up with Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain classic "cut your hair" really got the enthusiastic crowd up and ready for the party! Many of the attendants have been waiting for a pavement show for the last 15 years, and they were not disappointed. They were able to hit all the emotional strong points of their music, from songs like "Elevate me Later" and "Silence Kit". Pavement reached far back into the archives and rocked out punk rock overtures like "Conduit for Sale!" and "Perfume V". The screaming and raucous guitars made you feel as though they were in the prime of the "Slanted and Enchanted" days!

Pavement not only showed the punk roots they came from but they also were able to display the emotional nature of the band with "Here". One of the main highlights for the sun-soaked crowd that stayed the course of the day to enjoy the moonlight set of Pavement was the tongue in cheek favourite "Range Life" The song reminded me of the days driving along with my brother, listening to the band that he introduced me to. It is a wonderful experience being able to find your way back through memories and how music is an integral part to our life and memories.

Thanks to Pavement for a great Saturday. Thanks for including Toronto in your reunion. We all really needed it!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Souvlaki dinner and smoothies

As the weekend comes to an end, what a great weekend it was. It involved everything from Superheroes to ogres and a fairy tale land.

But in order to enjoy the last bits of the weekend before you have to put your energy towards the work week, here is a little recipe treat that will help begin your week right.

Game 5 Smoothie
2 parts Strawberry
1 part Blueberry
1 part Raspberry

Bit of orange juice
1 part yogurt (vanilla or plain, we used vanilla)


It was a great way to end a "super" filled weekend.

Welcome world cup!

Go Spain and Netherlands!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Golden Dogs not Lou Dawgs

Good evening.

Well just sitting back and having a listen of the 2007 release of the Golden Dogs Big Eye, Little Eye. What a wonderful little piece of musical experience. The golden dogs are a fantastic band that seem to have the inklings of amazing possibility. We will not claim to know all that there is to know about these local boys, but we am certain that the music is spot on.

We always find ourselves getting an overwhelming feeling when bands cover songs done by the Beatles. Things can go so right, when the moons align and the voices harmonize, guitars synergize, it is pure and sweet popification. But really, it is a great experience when someone does something well. The Golden Dogs do that with their cover of Paul McCartney's band Wings, 1985.

A great rendition that melds harmonies and a raw power that the song innately possesses itself. The Dogs do a wonderful job in harnessing the energy and transforming it into a concentrated ball of 1980's rock. From the driving guitars, the subtleties of the keyboard, to the beat of the drums that made it feel as though Ringo Starr could possibly be in the building.

As we sit back and follow the music through a heart-wrenching solo, we can only imagine the sweat and heat rising from the raucous crowd. We can feel the drummer flowing through rolls and fills crashing from cymbal to cymbal. The bassist ensuring that time stays constant while throwing in his own variations to keep everyone on their toes.

We think back to how the creation of this song probably started on Sir Paul McCartney's piano. We would like to say on behalf of all those who love rock and roll, thank you Sir Paul McCartney and thank you to those that continue to produce pure rock and roll.


Monday, June 7, 2010

The ride must go on!


The weekend came and went and the rain was a soggy mess. It tried to dampen the spirits of the 2 adventurous riders. It may have stopped the initial attempt, but as soul II soul would say.."Keep on movin' don't stop no!"

So what have we decided to do? Well here it is:

We will be taking on the same distance, the same direction but this time the outcome is going to be fantastic.

Can the two heroes conquer what they said they were going to do?

Will the weather play a part in derailing our two young heroes?

All these questions and more will be covered in the upcoming segments. Plus an exclusive interview with both riders as they prepare for this illustrious ride!

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