Friday, May 7, 2010


As we walked out of the humble abode that we call home, I flash back to the days I spent in Barcelona. Why Barcelona? I remember wandering through La Ramblas trying to pass time before I had to get on my plane and seeing the concert poster of the Frightened Rabbits. It was too bad that my flight was leaving that night and the concert was a few days away, but I knew that one day, I would get the chance. ‘Sing the Greys’ and ‘The Midnight Organ Fight’ were two fantastic albums that only left me wanting more. 2010 was the year in which we received ‘The Winter of Mixed Drinks’.

As we made our way to the spectacular Opera House on the east side, we were treated to the glorious sounds and sights that the venue has to offer. A fully functional opera house, with its original vaudeville theatre architecture. This place has been a Toronto iconic landmark that holds unique concerts and special events. The one thing that it always provides is a wonderful venue for sound. This night didn’t disappoint.

The Frightened Rabbits opened up with Modern Leper. A great way to get the crowd electrified. There was something in the air, a anxious awaiting for something great to happen, and the rabbits provided. The Rabbits moved effortlessly through a smart, raucous set that included a number of the recently released album tracks from ‘The Winter of Mixed Drinks’. For those not familiar with the Rabbits, this concert would have been a great introduction to all that is the Rabbits: 4 and 5 part harmonies, effortless vocals, multi layered music and fun.

The Rabbits seemed quite at home with this third studio record. They also understand the subtle nature of playing in front of a live audience. They did more than just play the record verbatim. They added different variations to the vocals and took the opportunity to include the audience as much as they could.

As we were taken on a ride through the library of songs they had, the encore was quite breathtaking as they did an acoustic version of ‘Poke’. Scott Hutchinson decided that he didn’t need the mic, nor any amplification to his acoustic guitar. He then re-started the song and belted out the song as the crowd and I sang along. Which brought us to the great version of ‘Keep Yourself Warm’, the anthemic track that proclaims “It takes more than fucking someone to keep yourself warm”.

The world is such a wonderful place and the Frightened Rabbits did a fantastic job of making us all feel that we were “Living in Colour”.

…A cripple walks amongst you all you tired human beings…
He's got all the things a cripple has not working arms and legs…

And so begins a night of heart thumping, soul-moving tunes. Lyrics liberated by the bold tone of a Scottish man. That Scottish man goes by Scott Hutchison and he makes up 1/5 of Frightened Rabbit. A Scottish indie band from Selkirk, Scotland.

I anticipated this show similar to a child anxiously awaiting Christmas. It was a call for celebration. An introduction to The Winter of Mixed Drinks. A fitting way to conclude the music that made this winter. Frightened Rabbit was the last show of a slew of winter performances. From Zeus to Japandroids, Real Estate to The XX. This was the best for last, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the gem. With no intent to downplay performances by the artists mentioned prior; they all encompassed a different form of talent and brought a different element of interaction...but for me…Frightened Rabbit brought something more personal. I had spent a small portion of the summer traveling and my soundtrack of choice was Frightened Rabbit. This show brought me back there. Back to the free and calming feeling that you experience when traveling. The feeling that you’re somewhere different…somewhere foreign but still so familiar. An awesome feeling.

A shot of tequila begins an evening of many more. Modern Leper set an easy tone to sway to. It was familiar and everyone picked up on that. The songs were a mix of The Midnight Organ Fight and The Winter of Mixed Drinks. Then something awesome happens!…Scott Hutchison steps up to the very top of the stage, guitar in hand. The mic turned off, the lights turned down. And belts out at the top of his lungs, with such fervor...such zeal. It was captivating. It was music in its purest form. It felt real and you became connected…committed to the creative medium in a raw form.

Keep Yourself Warm ends the night. On a high, people buzz out of the venue. In search of their next poison. We slowly make our way to the stage. I sheepishly looked around for the Set List, only to see a guy turn around and walk away with it. DAMN! I want something to remember this. Memories I have…but a pick would be better! I spot one right under a floor tom. I point out to the security and ask if he’ll nab it for me. I get a shake and he walks away. Andy Monaghan comes back out. Grabs his guitar and throws a pick to the ground. Here’s my chance. And so it was! The guy goes over, grabs the pick and hands it over! YES!! I now have a piece of that show and a piece to strum my tunes!

Now we make way for the summer…outdoor shows, cold beers and some new tunes…
Homeward bound…until next time…until our next adventure!


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Exit through the gift shop

"The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It's people who follow orders who drop bombs and massacre villages." -Banksy

The movie drops 05.07.10. YYZ

more to follow...

trailer anyone?

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