Friday, April 16, 2010


Denton: Fastest way to spend $30 in 40 minutes

ARYA: poutinis? no way! DIY!

Denton: Why walk there...when you could double someone not the BMX...let's go with the mountain bike

ARYA: We go, go, go. All the way down Roncy. But wait...whats this? A new gallery? Could it really be? Paper mache robots!

ARYA: But wait...Paper mache robots AND shoes!!! Are you kidding me...a store with all these shoes and all this chaos!

Denton: It was a vintage store filled with shoes from 1920-1998 and everything in between. Mens style loafers, womens wedge heal and different arrays of knock-off Birkenstocks that it was shocking. I was able to find a very nice pair of black house shoes that would be have been good other than the pair to it was a tartan pattern soft moccasin that didn't match my eyes.

Arya & Denton:
We cruise through the store expecting serial killers to walk through and ask you if you like clowns

ARYA: A man, eyes half closed..high on life...suggests we walk over to the back and head downstairs...downstairs huh?...the air is smells like old leather

Denton: This place is weird in the basement as we are directed down there as well. Piles of shoes, piles of European moccasins that would put a small Eastern European town to shame.

ARYA: We sift through...leather, plether, canvas...this place is given me the creeps! LETS BUST OUTTA HERE!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Zeus Replay

The lights come up. A man dressed in a cotton white shirt and black slacks walks out. Guitar in hand. He steps up to the mic. His eyes fixate on the audience. Slowly…effortlessly…he summons his falsetto…the crowd erupts! BAM!! LET THE SHOW BEGIN!!

I was feeling the music. I felt myself slowly sway to the start of a tune, the music moved through me. The drummer starts in. He picks up a steady beat…sending quivers through the audience…’tsst’ ‘tsst’ ‘tsst’… and so it begins! The night that was Zeus.

Zeus was by far one of the best shows I have had the opportunity to experience. Their sound, there look, there talent all made for a true depiction of what a performance really is.

My favorite song of the night, without an inkling of doubt, was How Does it Feel? It set a mood that felt somewhat mystical. It felt like the music was moving through me in waves and the world was standing still. It captured me.

The natural, raw talent that comprises Zeus was something rare. I’ve never seen a group that can vary in their musical abilities but come together as one solid union to deliver a tune. Their music was on par, on key, on point.

Instruments were being passed around like cold beers. There was variation in every song. You know when you hear one lyric to a song and know exactly who it is? albums sound like they’re on repeat?.. Zeus doesn’t allow for that predictability. Every song provided a different experience, something new every time but it still provided that sense of familiarity and AMAZINGNESS!!!

The lights went down…Afie Jurvanen took the stage. He slowly began to strum as he stepped up to the mic. With such ease, he let the words out…it was like velvet, smooth to the sound. “Is it really that much sweeter? On the other end of that receiver”…his painfully honest lyrics crafted emotion and feeling.

La la la la la la la la” The show ends on an unexpected note…to some. Denton pipes up “Kylie Minogue?” And right he is! They cover Can’t Get You Out of My Head. “La la la la la la la la”…

Homeward bound…until next time...until our next adventure!


As we sauntered in the legendary Lee’s Palace for a sold out show, we were extremely excited for the following events that were to unfold. The audience was an eclectic group that was for a Toronto crowd, quite interested in seeing the bands and music that would transpire.

As soon as we hit the front doors the line was frenetic. The energy, the hype, the flood of people was amazing. It was great to see that many of those who knew where to be and why we were there, had already shown and had got into the Carlsberg and Jack Daniels. The energy was infectious, it was nice to hear the sounds and see the sights of a very interesting evening.

The stage was set for an intimate evening with your favourite band as the house band. The stage was set up with a number of lamps and indirect light that conjuered up feelings closeness and peace. We were ready for the evening.

The beginning of the show started out with a wonderful rendition of Jason Collett’s “Fire”. This was an introduction to what some might say was the main attraction of the evening, Mr. Jason Collett. As he strummed his way through the introduction of the song, in his jangly manner he twanged his way through his song, until his original backing band, Zeus, came on stage. As Zeus moved onto the stage, they strapped on and got ready to lend a hand. Not only did Zeus join in, but Alfie Jurvanen, also known as Bahamas joined in on the sing a long that was now at the height of the song. It was clear that the union on stage was quite a natural one. As they wrapped up “Fire” and moved into “I’ll bring the sun”, it was clear that although we had come to see the member of BSS, but were now seeing the wonderful musical talents of Zeus and Bahamas.

Shot of JD and a Carlsberg

As the night progressed it was clear what the set up was going to be like. This was not going to be a traditional 3 band gig. Each taking a set and going through the motions as individual teams, but it as going to be a collaborative adventure, where you were more than just the sum of the parts on stage. As Jason Collett finished up his first songs, the transition went through into more Zeus oriented set. The one thing that we all would come to realize as they played through out the night was that the band blossomed through change. In order to keep members of a band interested, you have to let them become creative. Zeus is a band that all members are very musically inclined. Everyone plays different instruments and everyone sings. As the backing band to Jason Collett, they would play the songs that were given, but as they blossomed into their own entity they showed that through sharp vocal harmonies, crisp guitar styling, it is easy for them to take classic rock foundations, with smart indie sensibilities to come up with a right mix of something wonderful.

Shot of JD and a Carlsberg

Bahamas was just a pleasant piece to the entire musical experience. His songs were pure rock. They felt like the mood of the audience, full of fun and full of sex. His energy he put into the crowd was a cause for fun and excitement. Again, as the night progressed, Alfie was able to show his guitar stylings that was able to keep up with the sharpness of Zeus.

Shot of JD and a Vodka Soda

Zeus, with its numerous comparisons to the classic back up band “the band”, proved that not only were they able to provide the solid core to all the others, but they too have a number of songs ready to emerge on the scene.

Shot of JD and a cab

Stumble out of the cab, believing to be in my own back-up band. Believing that I threw down great guitar solos. Singing my own harmonies as we strolled down the street back home. Thank goodness for poutinis. Thank you Bonfire nights. Thank goodness for bed.


State of the Nation Address

Good evening.

This is a call for creativity.

For all those waiting. For those that don't know, or for the ingloriously ignorant, we salute you. We praise you and we now welcome you to the Brigade.

This is a partnership, a collaboration. We are here to claim what is rightfully ours.

It's tempting to look back on these moments and assume that our progress was inevitable -– that the Brigade was always destined to succeed. But when the Brigade was turned back initially, and the nay sayers first appeared, victory was very much in doubt. When the creative rights marchers were hindered by the deconstruction of creative freedom, the future was anything but certain. These were the times that tested the courage of our convictions, and the strength of our Brigade. And despite all our divisions and disagreements, our hesitations and our fears, the Brigade prevailed because we chose to move forward as one brigade, one creative force.

Welcome to the era of thestickmen.brigade.

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