Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

It is the night of the greatest candy heist.  Tonight has been interesting.  We made sure all week that we were stocked up for Halloween.  Gummy Hamburgers, Pop-rocks, Gummy Hot dogs, Chocolate and the sort.  We even made the promise that we wouldn't eat the candy, so that the kids would get the good when they came by.

Everything was going to plan until... no kids showed.  Maybe it was the scariest haunted house on the street right beside our house, or maybe it was the fact that I forgot to open the gate at the front, either way, no kids showed up.  This end results brings me to the internet and just surfing around.  Which brings me to why I am here.

I came across a great quote from the director Jim Jarmush.  It was just something that resonated, and the fact that it brought me here to the blog is the piece de resistance!  So no real comment from me, but I do hope that you come away resonating inspiration and fueling your inner imagination.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Young Hearts Spark Fire

Japandroids upstairs at Sneaky Dees.

Great show. High energy. Very loud.

We used to dream
Now we worry about dying

I don't want to worry about dying
I just wanna worry about those sunshine girls.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Up and running

The hiatus is over.

Hope all are doing well. We are glad to be back.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

On the house hunt - Part V

It has been a couple of weeks since my last entry and we had been going out to viewings early in the process, but we were not having that much luck.  The things that we wanted to rent were too expensive, or the ones that were in our price range had problems with the unit.  Sooo....

Let's go through this as fast as possible:
  • Nothing was appealing - We kept looking
  • Maybe we stay another month at our current spot - Landlord already rented our spot out for the next month
  • Maybe live with roommates - Not what we were looking for
  • Maybe live in a basement - Not what we were looking for
  • Maybe go to the East side - Not our scene
  • Maybe live in a sketchy neighbourhood - Not our choice
  • Maybe stay in our current neighbourhood - No.  Dealt with a horrible agent
  • Maybe live in an up start neighbourhood - No.  Another deadbeat agent
  • Maybe have to live in suburbs with parents - Not ideal.
  • Live with a girl from Plumtree - too bad it was a pipedream
Not until last evening when at the last minute, we caught an ad and got a viewing for a wonderful spot.  Immediately we resonated with the space.  It has all we need and then some.  Great spot for lounging out and relaxing.

It will be a great spot for us for the next year!

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